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"The success hasn't gone to our price." Peugeot Motor Company
Earlier, in chapter 7: Using Windows (page 7-12) a template for
stretchable windows was presented. This template illustrated how, with
just a few procedures, you could build customized windows. In this
chapter you will learn how to use OOP techniques to extend window
objects, and gain even more flexibility. To illustrate the concepts,
the StretchWinOBJ object will be extended to provide a generic object
for scrolling virtual screens.
Window Object Structure
Before trying to extend the window objects, you need to have an under-
standing of how the window objects function. The table below describes
the data declared in each window object.
Variable Description
vBorder: tCoords The (X1,Y1,X2,Y2) coordinates of the window
vOuter: tCoords The (X1,Y1,X2,Y2) coordinates of the saved
screen area, i.e. window and shadow.
vUnderneathPtr: A pointer to the saved image overlaid by the
pointer window.
vSavedSize: longint The size, in bytes, of the saved area.
vTitle: string The window title.
vBorderAttr The window display attributes.
vIconsAttr: byte
vStyle:byte The window style.
vRemove: boolean A boolean to indicate whether the window will
be removed when the object is Done.
vCursX,vCursY, The cursor settings at the time the window was
vCursTop, displayed.
vCursBot: byte
vOldWin: tByteCoords The window settings at the time the window was
vOldWinConfine: A boolean to indicate whether window settings
boolean were active when the window was displayed.
vMVisible: boolean A boolean to indicate whether the mouse was
visible when the window was displayed.
18-2 Extending the Toolkit
Variable Description
vBoundary:tCoords The (X1,Y1,X2,Y2) coordinates of the area in
which the window can be moved.
vMoveKey: word The key to press to invoke a manual (non-mouse)
vAllowMove:boolean A boolean to indicate whether the user is
allowed to move the window.
Variable Description
vScrollV:boolean; A boolean to indicate whether the vertical
scroll bar is visible.
vScrollH:boolean; A boolean to indicate whether the horizontal
scroll bar is visible.
Variable Description
vZoomed:boolean A boolean to indicate whether the window is
currently zoomed.
vPreZoom:tCoords The coordinates of the window border prior to
vMinWidth:byte The minimum width of the window.
vMinDepth:byte The minimum depth of the window.
vStretchKey:word The key to press to invoke a manual (non-mouse)
vZoomKey:word The key to press to invoke a manual (non-mouse)
vAllowStretch: A boolean to indicate whether the user is
boolean allowed to stretch the window.
vSmartStretch: A boolean to indicate whether the window will
boolean be updated during a stretch operation.
Note that the type tCoords is defined as follows:
tCoords = record
X1,Y1,X2,Y2: shortint;
By now, you should already know most of the window methods in the file
TOTWIN.PAS. Review the declaration of all four windows objects for a
complete list of the methods. From an object extension perspective, the
following methods are important:
constructor Init;
Initializes the object.
Extending Windows 18-3
procedure WinKey(var K:word; var X,Y: byte); VIRTUAL;
WinKey is passed keystroke details as variable parameters. If the key-
stroke is window specific, e.g. a click on the close icon, a zoom, a
window stretch etc., the method will process the key and modify the
relevant window characteristic. The value of K is then updated to indi-
cate the type of activity, e.g. set to 602 to indicate that the window
has been re-sized.
procedure StretchRefresh; VIRTUAL;
While the user is stretching the lower right window, the method Stret-
chRefresh is continuously called. This is the mechanism for dynamically
showing the user how the window will appear while it is being
stretched. The method is only called if the boolean vSmartStretch is
set to true. There are two important items to consider. Firstly, this
method will only be called while the window settings are suspended, so
any screen writing statements in the procedure must use the full-screen
coordinate system. Secondly, this method must complete its display
update very quickly. It will be called continuously during a stretch
operation, and if the procedure takes too long, the user will notice a
sluggish response.
procedure Draw; VIRTUAL;
Draw saves the contents of the portion of the screen which will be
overlaid by the window, and then draws the window and shadow.
destructor Done; VIRTUAL;
Disposes of the window object memory, and removes the window (if it is
still visible and the vRemove variable is set to true).
If you extend any window object, you will probably modify most of these
methods, since they control the window display and input processing
Extending StretchWinOBJ
To illustrate the principles of window extension, a new window object
for displaying and scrolling virtual screens will be created. You may
recall that a virtual screen is a screen which has all the properties
of the physical screen, but is not visible. A virtual screen can be up
to 255 characters wide and 255 lines deep - quite a screen! The Screen-
OBJ method PartDisplay can be used to transfer a portion of the virtual
screen to the visible screen.
18-4 Extending the Toolkit
The first task in designing the new object is to decide what additional
data will be needed. Obviously, the object will need to know the
address of the virtual screen, i.e. a pointer to a ScreenOBJ instance.
Two additional variables will be required to keep track of which part
of the virtual screen is on display. In other words, the coordinates of
the top-left corner of the visible part of the virtual screen. To make
sure that the user doesn't scroll beyond the bottom-edge or past the
right-edge of the virtual screen, the object will need to know the
width and depth of the virtual screen. The preliminary object declara-
tion might therefore be as follows:
VirtualWinOBJ = object (StretchWinOBJ)
vScreen: ScreenPtr;
vTopLine: integer; {line number of first visible line}
vFirstChar: integer; {number of left-most visible character}
vScreenWidth: byte;
vScreenDepth: byte;
constructor Init;
procedure AssignVirtualScreen(var Scr:ScreenOBJ);
destructor Done; VIRTUAL;
end; {VirtualWinOBJ}
So far so good, but the method Draw, inherited from StretchWinOBJ, will
only draw the window border and then clear the central area of the
window. VirtualWinOBJ needs to have its own Draw method. This method
will first call StretchWinOBJ.Draw to display the basic window, and
will then draw the visible part of the virtual window by calling the
virtual window's method PartDisplay. The new Draw method will then need
to update the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to accurately reflect
which portion of the virtual screen is visible.
The inherited methods DrawHorizbar and DrawVertBar can be used to draw
the scroll bars. These methods are passed two longint parameters repre-
senting the current position and maximum possible position. For exam-
ple, the following statements will correctly update the StretchWinOBJ
scroll bars:
Since the virtual screen method PartDisplay is mega-fast, we should be
able to refresh the window display during a stretch. This is achieved
by adding the method StretchRefresh. All StretchRefresh needs to do is
restore the visible portion of the virtual screen, and paint any area
of the window which may be beyond the virtual window boundary.
Extending Windows 18-5
The inherit WinKey method will only process keystrokes which close,
move or stretch the window. StretchWinOBJ needs to have its own WinKey
method which calls the inherited one, and then processes any of the
scrolling keys like End, Home, PgUp, PgDn, etc. as well as any mouse
clicks on the scroll bars.
Finally, a Go method could be added. This method would continuously get
user input and call WinKey until the user escaped or clicked on the
close icon.
After all these enhancements, the declaration of the full-blown Virtu-
alWinOBJ would be as follows:
VirtualWinOBJ = object (StretchWinOBJ)
vScreen: ScreenPtr;
vTopLine: integer;
vFirstChar: integer;
vScreenWidth: byte;
vScreenDepth: byte;
constructor Init;
procedure SetScreenXY(X,Y:byte);
procedure AssignVirtualScreen(var Scr:ScreenOBJ);
procedure RefreshWindow;
procedure ScrollDown;
procedure ScrollUp;
procedure ScrollLeft;
procedure ScrollRight;
procedure ScrollTop;
procedure ScrollBottom;
procedure ScrollHome;
procedure ScrollEnd;
procedure ScrollJump(Vert:boolean; X,Y:byte);
procedure ScrollPgUp;
procedure ScrollPgDn;
procedure Go;
procedure StretchRefresh; VIRTUAL;
procedure Winkey(var K:word;var X,Y:byte); VIRTUAL;
procedure Draw; VIRTUAL;
destructor Done; VIRTUAL;
end; {VirtualWinOBJ}
The on-disk unit file EXTWIN.PAS contains the complete implementation
of the VirtualWinOBJ method. You might print out this unit and review
the detailed statements to gain a thorough understanding of how Virtu-
alWinOBJ functions. Since all the work has been done for you, you might
consider creating a descendant of VirtualWinOBJ which includes on-line
help, printing, etc.
18-6 Extending the Toolkit
Using VirtualWinOBJ
Using the new VirtualWinOBJ object is a snap. The demo program EXT-
DEM4.PAS, listed below, shows how the object could be used to display
the good 'ole ASCII table. Figure 18.1 shows the display generated by
the demo program.
Program ExtendedDemoFour;
totINPUT, totFAST, totSTR, extWIN;
ASCIIdata: ScreenOBJ;
AscWin: VirtualWinOBJ;
procedure BuildASCIIscreen;
{creates the virtual screen}
I,J : integer;
with ASCIIdata do
for I := 0 to 31 do
Str := '';
for J := 0 to 7 do
Str := Str+' '+
' '+char(I+32*J)+' ';
if J <> 7 then
Str := Str + '│';
for J := 0 to 7 do
end; {BuildASCIIscreen}
Screen.Clear(white,'░'); {paint the screen}
with AscWin do
Extending Windows 18-7
SetTitle(' ASCII Table ');
Figure 18.1 [SCREEN]